Fewer drownings at the start of summer

Thursday is World Drowning Prevention Day, and the toll of accidents in France, for this early summer, is less severe than that of last year. But, according to Public Health France, this is to be put down to the gloomy weather.



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Fewer drownings in June 2024 than in June 2023, according to Public Health France (illustrative photo). (JOEL SAGET / AFP)

The number of drownings recorded in France in June is down 29% compared to last year, but, according to Santé Publique France, this is mainly a consequence of the gloomy weather, particularly in the north of the country. In June, 221 drownings were recorded in France. A third of the victims died and two thirds of the accidents occurred south of the Loire, where it is warmer.

Last year, over the entire summer, more than 1,300 drownings were recorded in total. Almost half of these fatal accidents occurred at sea, followed by rivers where the risk is greatest and finally in private swimming pools.

Drowning affects all age groups. Half of the accidents involve adults, and in those over 18, the risk of death after drowning is six times higher than in those under 12. Safety reflexes must therefore evolve with age, keeping in mind that, in young children, accidents are generally linked to a lack of supervision and that, in adults who know how to swim, the risk is rather to overestimate their physical condition, especially when swimming in a natural environment in the sea, lake or river.

The risk of thermal shock or hydrocution is also mentioned as a cause of drowning. When it is very hot, and you enter cold water too quickly, the cardiocirculatory system can actually have difficulty adapting, with a risk of discomfort as a result. Warning signs are cramps, chills, headaches, a feeling of intense fatigue or dizziness. In this case, you should get out of the water to warm up and ask for help if these symptoms persist. To avoid taking any risks, you should first wet your stomach and neck before diving in completely.

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