few volunteers for the third dose of vaccine




Article written by

S. Guillaumin, J. Ricco, S. Lerch, P. de la Foata – France 3

France Televisions

The Covid-19 epidemic still affects many people in France. Health authorities are concerned about the low number of volunteers for the third dose of vaccine.

The time has come for the recall of the Covid-19 vaccine. People over 65, or those younger but at risk, are the people who should receive a third dose as a priority. More than fifty patients of Dr. Jean-Luc Leymarie have received their third dose since September, even if he must have been convincing several times. “The refusal is often more political, you have to arm yourself with persuasive force“, explains the general practitioner.

Of 7.7 million eligible people, only 3.3 million received their third dose. While adherence is high among those over 65, it is lower among younger people with risk factors. “People find it hard to understand that a vaccine, paradoxically, you have to do it before it goes badly”, indicates Benjamin Davido, infectious disease specialist in Paris. The purpose of the third dose of the vaccine is to boost the antibodies, the level of which tends to drop after vaccination.


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