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The Fête de l’Humanité, a large gathering of the left, now takes place in Essonne on a former site of the Air Force. The challenge for the Communist Party is to try to stand out within Nupes.
The whole left responded to the La Fête de l’Humanité: socialists, rebels, environmentalists and communists. Behind the scenes, Yannick Jadot and Fabien Roussel, two unsuccessful presidential candidates, meet. Not all sharing the same ideas, they display a cordial understanding. However, Fabien Roussel cast a chill by opposing “the left of allowances” to the one who defends the work.
“No more RSA, no more debate on unemployment benefits, a job and a salary for all, me, this is the horizon that I want to build”, explained the national secretary of the French Communist Party. But too late. For some of his allies on the left, the politician has gone too far. “There are a lot of people who have allowances and who would like to work, to be on something other than allowances”believes Marine Tondelier, spokesperson for Europe Ecology-The Greens.