ferrets to control rats


Article written by

France 3 Limousin, J.Boudier, C.Cogne – France 3

France Televisions

In Limoges (Haute-Vienne), a natural method is used to eradicate rats that proliferate at the bottom of a building: the ferret. Only three companies in France still use it.

Many don’t know it, but the ferret is a ferocious predator. Entirely domesticated by man, it is a rodent’s nightmare. In Limoges (Haute-Vienne), they allow Alexandre Raynal, founder of Raynal Environnement, to derat in an unusual way. Only three companies practice it in France. “I didn’t invent anything, the ferret was used in ancient Rome to derat ships. It’s a method that is said to be natural, so it doesn’t use any product and is effective”, he notes.

The operation takes place in front of the inhabitants of the Val de l’Aurence district, at the foot of a building where rodent burrows proliferate, because of the waste frequently thrown out of the windows. With this operation, Matthieu Parneix, municipal councilor in charge of health and sustainable development in Limoges, not only wishes “achieve a number of particularly prolific rat burrows” and “raise the population’s awareness not to throw household waste in the public space”.

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