ferrets released to ratify the city


France 2

Article written by

J. Coulais, M. Queînnec, E. Coorevits – France 2

France Televisions

Rats abound in the cities. In Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), ferrets can counter this scourge.

With their landing nets, funny fishermen from Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) are trying to capture rats, which swarm under the city. About fifty of them were caught in one hour thanks to an ancestral method: the release of ferrets.

I have about fifteen working ferrets, I trained them to do that and come back“, Explain Alexandre Raynal, breeder. Ferrets are very scary to rats because their scent repels rodents and causes them to come out of the ground. A very efficient and ecological method. “There is an increase in demand, even from individuals who have problems in their henhouse and do not want to put rat poison, which could be a problem on their animals.“, precise Alexandre Raynal. This Toulouse experiment is not unprecedented. Five cities in France have already swapped the use of rat poison for that of ferrets.


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