Video length: 3 mins.
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Fermented drinks such as kefir or kombucha are becoming more and more popular. Considered beneficial for health, they can adopt different flavors, from lavender to raspberry.
In France, the market for fermented drinks has exploded in recent years. Age-old drinks such as Kefir or Kombucha are coming back to the fore, with the promise of being beneficial to our health. Rosalie Ferniot, for her part, makes her own kefir, based on water, citrus fruits, sugars, dried fruits and gelatinous crystals. “The key ingredient is kefir grains. They’re in a mixture of water and sugar, that’s what helps them stay alive”, she explains. The secret of its drink lies in the fermentation.
An ancestral know-how
This know-how is transmitted from generation to generation in the Ferniot family. “My grandmother has always done that, in the family”, she says. To ride on this success, a small company is working to bring the drink up to date. Lavender, hibiscus, raspberry… Already twelve flavors are available.