First cartel this Wednesday evening, decent entry. : Toros de Victoriano del Rio for Antonio Ferrera, Diego Urdiales and Daniel Luque. Lot very mediocre in presentation as in behavior with the exception of the 5th copy. An ear for Urdiales. Three ears for Luque who goes out in triumph.
The party, full, again!
After three years of dieting, Madeleine regains her traditional volume. Five bullfights, a novillada and a novillada without picador. The 2021 feria had been amputated by a race, which is reinstated in the program this year just like the pricked novillada, which therefore allows the organizers to offer a more substantial proposal. Especially since the first half of the temporada showed that the toreria was effervescent. Among the bullfighters invited to the Plumaçon, the young class sparkles. Tomas Rufo, Gines Marin or the very amazing Angel Tellez do wonders. At the novilleros we are waiting for the local Tartas, Yon Lamothe, for his second season with the Cavalry. And especially the prodigy, Alvaro Alarcon, the Castilian of Toledo, volcanic May 23 in Madrid Cathedral. Among the aspirants, Tristan Barroso, of Landes origin, pupil of the Badajoz bullfighting school, has been full of trophies since the start of the season. At the top, we will also, of course, expect the performance of Daniel Luc, certainly the best current bullfighter. That of Morante de la Puebla, intense artist. And the two contracts of Antonio Ferrera who had overthrown Madeleine last year but who lives a very complicated temporada.
Star bulls?
Victoriano del Rio, the ganaderia that opens Madeleine is a fine reference. A history of more than seventy years for iron in Y. Since 1985 in the hands of the architect rancher of Miraflores de la Sierra, near Madrid, which Victoriano del Rio Cortès by acquiring the cattle gave its name to the breeding. Since then, repeated successes. Best bullfight in Seville in 2001. Desgarbado, noblissime toro pardoned in Dax in 2008. Three years ago another toro pardoned in Badajoz by Ferrera. Antonio Ferrera who will face Domecq de Victoriano tonight to open Madeleine’s ball and validate the first of his two Mons contracts. Ferrera awaited like the messiah after his telluric solo performance last year, but a trembling prophet so far in a chaotic season of doubt and failure. He will be accompanied by the very fine bullfighter from Arnedo, Diego Urdiales. And above all of the immense matador that is Daniel Lucque. The Andalusian from Gerena walks on water. A toro pardoned in Arles for Easter, precisely from Victoriano del Rio. Triumphs everywhere, in Seville, in St Sever, at the end of June, among other masterpieces.
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Victoriano is taking on water! A race saved by Luque.
Victorians from Rio, disappointing, very variably presented with a second number more novillo than cornu major. The fifth, the only survivor of a small ganadero disaster. Breedless cattle going to seek the shelter of the planks. We could have sunk. Especially since Ferrera was badly served and in a new hollow day passed without pain or glory. However ! Two bullfighters of great shame brought the corrida out of the announced fatal torpor. Diego Urdiales, in the fifth, the best Victoriano of the eveningby a classic faena, soft, suave.The bullfighter of Arnedo cuts a legitimate and legitimately requested trophy. Then it was time for the messiah. Luque has been walking on water for years. And this season reflects the greatness of the Andalusian matador. Two ears to his first toro which he does to his hand with infinite gentleness to end with the caresses of an angel and a stroke of a swordsman’s sword. A second fight against nature, certainly, but with stubbornness and panache. This ultimate toro was not worth a rusty nail. Luque persisted in redacting on the horns the very little that the Victoriano allowed. A thrust like a live Mike Tyson. Three ears in dad’s basket. Exit in triumph. Luque is great!
This Thursday. 11 a.m. novillada without picador. 6 p.m., 2nd bullfight of the cycle. Toros de Hermanos Jiménez for Morante de la Puebla, Juan Ortega and Tomas Rufo Every day “Callejon” special feria between noon and 1 p.m. from the caballos patio of the bullring Every evening broadcast of the bullfight.