Aquí tanben brave mond, Fenouillet is a name of Occitan origin. Pronounce Fenolhet in lenga nòstra. Alavetz, dedins lo toponime Fenolhet, avètz lo mot fen: FEN (l’èna finala demòra muda mai from a còp in Occitan) / in the toponym Fenolhet, you find the word fen FEN (the final N is often silent in Occitan). E lo fen brave mond, it is hay. Name justified by the important pastures which will remain for centuries on the edge of the Garonne. Note that in the past, Fenolhet is written FENOLHET.
LH, which almost corresponds to the LL sound in French …
The letters LH belong to the classical spelling of Occitan and correspond to a wet L (Fenolhet), spelling maintained until the 17th century. Alavetz, you’re not pus atal a l’ora d’ara / then, this is no longer the case today but for a long time, toponymy specialists will believe that Fenouillet is the place, the land where fennel grows / lo fenolh (fenolh, fenolhet). But today, we know that this hypothesis is wrong and that Fenouillet comes from the Occitan word fen, the hay.
In Fenouillet, there is the rue des Gourgues …
Gourgues is an Occitan-sounding name. Say gorgas. Una gorga, que es aquò? Una gorga, it’s a bitch. About Gourgues, an anecdote: At the end of the 19th century, the landscapes and houses of Fenouillet inspired the work of the painter Henri Matisse. He made 2 paintings with the name Les Gourgues and Maisons à Fenouillet. Fin finala, tell me 5100 estatjants in Fenolhet / Around 5100 inhabitants in Fenouillet. Farewell-siatz to all Fenouilletans who listen to France Bleu Occitanie on 91.8. Bon diluns e bona setmana / have a good Monday and have a good week!
– Fenouillet town hall
– Fenouillet town hall