The Minister in charge of Equality between Men and Women announced that the government was “screening” the statements of all feminist associations regarding the attack carried out by Hamas on October 7.
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The feminist collective #NousToutes described, Monday February 12, as“instrumentalization” the comments of Minister Delegate Aurore Bergé concerning subsidies paid to feminist associations. After the bloody attack by Hamas in Israel on October 7 and the Israeli reprisals, the collective, like other feminist associations, was strongly criticized on social networks for its “silence” on testimonies reporting rapes committed by Hamas men.
Invited Sunday on Radio J, Aurore Bergé announced that the government was passing “through the sieve” the statements linked to the Hamas attack from all feminist associations, expressing their refusal to see the State financially support “associations which cannot characterize what happened”. The minister specified that she had made this request to the administration last week and was awaiting feedback. “in the coming days”.
“It’s scandalous to threaten them today”
#NousToutes and other associations defended themselves by claiming to fight for “all the women” and say they condemn “unambiguously the sexual and gender-based crimes, rapes and feminicides committed by Hamas, which particularly targeted women, LGBTQIA+ people and children.” “There is no ambiguity on the part of feminists, we believe all the victims, we are the first to denounce all male violence against women, wherever they come from”reacted Amy Bah, president of #NousToutes Lille, the day after the comments of the Minister responsible for Gender Equality.
Amy Bah describes Aurore Bergé’s comments as“instrumentalization of Hamas’ crimes and Israel’s response in Gaza to avoid taking responsibility for the lack of resources in the fight against gender-based violence.” The activist “recalls that associations which depend on subsidies carry out public service missions. The State is relying on them, it is therefore scandalous to threaten them today, especially as it endangers the victims of violence.”