In a forum, these organizations claim “continuity” at the Ministry of Equality between men and women, while a reshuffle is expected Thursday.
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They do not call for the resignation, but for the maintenance of a minister. About forty associations for the defense of women’s rights, as well as “committed and feminist” networks and collectives are asking in a column published on Twitter that the Minister for Equality between Men and Women, Isabelle Rome, be maintained in her post while a reattribution of ministries is expected on Thursday 20 July. The latest rumors give the magistrate about to leave.
>> Reshuffle: find the latest information on changes to the government in our direct
In order to “stability and efficiency”the Women’s Assembly, Pluri’Elles or Women of the Territories want the minister, who arrived at the ministry in May 2022, to continue her missions. “All is not perfect for women, far from it, writes this collective. But, in recent months, real progress has been made, which must bear fruit, provided that it is supported without fail and without disruption.
In their forum, these organizations challenge Elisabeth Borne and public opinion. “What company would change its CEO every year?”they ask.