The management of La France insoumise has officially invested the outgoing deputy in the first constituency of the North, but this choice is denounced internally.
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Battle in view on the left. MP Adrien Quatennens, sentenced to four months’ suspended sentence for domestic violence, was nominated by La France insoumise for the legislative elections in the first constituency of the North, Friday June 14. But this decision is denounced even internally and another personality has already announced his candidacy in the same constituency. Feminist activist Amy Bah claims to be part of the New Popular Front, even without having been officially invested by LFI.
“I am a candidate to see the left strong and united in the hemicycle”writes the 27-year-old lawyer, president of #NousToutesLille, on the social network X. “For the Lille citizen, feminist, social, anti-racist and environmentalist activist, who has fought for the resignation of Adrien Quatennens for two years, remaining silent or inactive is no longer possible”she explains.
“I decide today to run for office (…) in conscience and responsibility, after having received a lot of support and requests to run.”
Amy Bah, feminist activist from Lilleon the social network
“Adrien Quatennens is the Achilles heel of the left”further believes Amy Bah, who says she once again asked that the outgoing MP “not be invested in the name of the New Popular Front”.
“I’ve been fighting Adrien Quatennens for two years”she declared Friday in The voice of the Northruling that the first constituency of the department “deserves better than being confined” to the outgoing MP. After this announcement, Amy Bah has already received the “full support” by Martine Aubry, the socialist mayor of Lille, who shared a message posted on X.
Several left-wing politicians have already expressed their disagreement. “It has always been clear that all outgoing deputies from our respective political forces would be supported by the Popular Front, except in very specific cases because there would have been VSS [violences sexistes et sexuelles] or legal matters”declared Marine Tondelier, national secretary of Ecologists-EELV, on France 2. “For now, La France insoumise is doing the opposite.”
“To all those who oppose or doubt the relevance of my candidacy, know that I understand you. I hope to be able, humbly, and through my actions, to regain your trust”reacted Adrien Quatennens in a press release, when the names of the 230 candidates nominated by La France insoumise were revealed.