Female or carrier? “It’s not true that we are going to erase women”, says Simon Jolin-Barrette

The Minister of Justice has not at all digested the request made by Liberal Party MP André Albert Morin to replace the term “carrier” with “carrier” in Bill 12 on the reform of the law of family, and he made it known at the microphone of Richard Martineau, via QUB radio.

“It’s not true that we are going to remove the word woman from our legal texts,” said Simon Jolin-Barrette.

Minister of Justice Simon Jolin-Barrette explains his position on the Richard Martineau show via QUB-radio :

Moreover, Mr. Jolin-Barrette tabled a motion in the National Assembly affirming that the term “woman” is here to stay. It was adopted unanimously.

“We will not start telling women that they do not exist in our laws,” he protested.

  • Listen to the Montpetit-Déry meeting broadcast live every day at 1 p.m. 55 via QUB-radio :

The Minister recalled the battles waged by women to assert their rights within Quebec society. Moreover, he insisted on the language of his bill, which he claims is already inclusive.

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