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The serval, a feline native to Africa, whose detention is illegal, has nevertheless become in France, for some, a coveted animal. This is the umpteenth chronicle of a fashion launched on social networks. Several surveys are currently in progress, in order to trace the different sectors in activity.
A beast in his kitchen, on his sofa, or even in disguise. These felines sometimes look like domestic cats, but are nevertheless wild and protected species, often from trafficking. On social networks, the serval and the caracal are particularly fashionable among influencers, and among certain celebrities, such as Maître Gims, who caused controversy on social networks by posting a video with a feline.
The majority of owners are illegal
Where do these cats come from? All you have to do is click on the internet to come across ads, with touching photos to back it up. But behind these proposals are often hidden specialized criminal networks in Europe. The majority of owners are illegal. The offense is punishable by three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros.