Feignies Aulnoye Aymeries released with honors by PSG

The amateur players have never been able to worry PSG but they did not sink. Paris quickly gained the upper hand by converting 2 penalties in the first half hour of play. The first following a fault committed on Mbappé author of a tumble in the penalty area. The second following a foul on Icardi in an aerial duel.

The Finésiens could have conceded more goals in the first period but their replacement goalkeeper, Yann Le Meur, holder in the Coupe de France, made some very high quality saves. In the 2nd period, Paris finally found the fault a 3rd time. Mbappé taking a cross from Dagba at close range, entered at the break.

Far from being ridiculous, the players of Feignies Aulnoye Aymeries are not ready to forget this evening which was also a success for the managers of the club who accomplished the feat of welcoming 24,000 people in the stands of the Hainaut stadium. .

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