Feet in the ground: farms of yesterday and today

For millennia, peasants have raised animals, cultivated the land, harvested fruits, vegetables and cereals. But in the last hundred years, their job has totally changed. To meet ever-increasing demand, fields have grown, carts have been transformed into tractors, chemical fertilizers and pesticides have become widespread. The hedges separating the fields have disappeared, as have many birds, insects and mammals. Today, peasants want to live with dignity from their work, work their soil without damaging it, cultivate quality products, protect the environment. In this book, three generations recount their profession, their lives, their fears and their hopes.

The feet in the land of Claire Lecoeuvre at the editions of the elephants

Claire Lecoeuvre knows this environment well, having grown up with farmers on her uncle’s side. His mother also told him many of their stories. Another important detail: this journalist from Lot likes to look at old aerial maps: “we can see the rather incredible evolution of certain places, and I wanted to show the evolution of these campaigns”. To highlight this evolution, Claire Lecoeuvre chooses to use these famous satellite maps for the technical aspect, and to meet these families on the farms for the human aspect.

Feet in the Earth is a documentary album. Claire Lecoeuvre was accompanied during her meetings by the illustrator Arnaud Tételin, who specializes in scientific illustration. Together, they therefore tell the story of five families, including one based in Saint-Eutrope-de-Born (Lot-et-Garonne).

Listen to Claire Lecoeuvre in the Reading Corner of France Bleu Périgord:

Feet in the ground
Elephant editions
Feet in the ground
Feet in the ground
Elephant editions
Feet in the ground
Feet in the ground
Elephant editions

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