Federal lawmakers vote unanimously for investigation into Chong case

(OTTAWA) The House of Commons has unanimously asked a parliamentary committee to look into allegations that the Chinese government has waged a campaign of intimidation against Conservative MP Michael Chong.

The 319 lawmakers present voted Wednesday in favor of a motion tabled Monday by the Conservatives asking the House procedure committee to examine whether Mr. Chong’s parliamentary privilege has been violated by a foreign state.

Canada expelled a Chinese diplomat this week over a newly released 2021 report by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), which alleged the Toronto consular officer sought to intimidate Mr Chong and his relatives in Hong Kong because of the MP’s criticism of China’s human rights record.

China responded by expelling a Canadian diplomat from Shanghai, and Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly warned that Beijing could do more than just expel envoys.

“Economic interests, consular interests and also diplomatic interests will be affected,” she said last week.

The Liberals responded that the move could also inspire economic retaliation – leaving industries bracing for a backlash.

Yet Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, a China expert at the University of Ottawa, says the government should instead assume that Beijing is playing an eye for an eye and will only make matters worse if Canada goes beyond the expulsion of a diplomat.

She took note on Tuesday of the statement by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin, who announced the expulsion of Canadian consular Jennifer Lalonde.

“We urge Canada to immediately cease its provocation. If Canada decides to continue with its gratuitous act, China will react firmly and all consequences shall be borne by Canada,” Wang said in the official English translation of his remarks.

According to Mme McCuaig-Johnston, Ottawa should stick to this interpretation rather than fan fears of a blow to the Canadian economy or danger to its citizens in China.

“In my view, further action by Canada would be more likely to result in further retaliation, rather than further reaction from China following Mr. Zhao’s return home,” she said. declared.

“It is also a threat. If we do anything else in the future, there will be further retaliation,” she added.

Mme McCuaig-Johnston stressed that China sees itself as an important player, but Canada should always treat it with the same deference as any other country. She also claimed that Canada should diversify its supply chain to reduce its exposure to the whims of Beijing.

“We certainly accept that Canada and China will always have quite a large two-way trade, because China needs our resources and we need their products,” she continued. Beyond that, the Chinese don’t want to have much to do with Canada. »

Mr. Chong declined a request for an interview on Wednesday amid questions surrounding his recent briefing with current national security adviser Jody Thomas.

The Ontario MP told Parliament that Mr.me Thomas had told him that CSIS had informed his predecessor in 2021 about the case, but it is unclear who it was, as the role was filled by different people at different times of the year.

Three people who held that position told the media that they either did not recall seeing the document in question or that they were not in that position when CSIS raised the matter.

In any case, M.me McCuaig-Johnston believes Canada will need to “calibrate” its approach to China through a series of developments.

She recalled that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s special rapporteur, David Johnston, was due to report by May 23 with “interim recommendations on whether additional mechanisms or transparent processes are needed” to help weed out foreign interference. in Canada.

Mr. Johnston will publish a full report by October. Mme McCuaig-Johnston expects the Liberals to launch an investigation afterwards, given the pressure they already face.

“These issues are not going to fade from attention. On the contrary, they will become more targeted,” she said.

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