fear of shortage for pickles, but return of oil on the shelves


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Mustard is hard to find in supermarkets these days. But this is not the only product in tension, since the pickles could run out in the coming weeks. Gaspard of Florival takes stock of the set from 1 p.m., Thursday July 28.

Mustard is a condiment that is hard to find in our supermarkets today, like could see Gaspard from Florivalwho had to go to several supermarkets to find some, Thursday July 28. “Vendors have told us, when stores can find it, the products go very quickly. And when there is, it costs more than last year. +14% for these jars of mustard”, he explains. Fears are also to be expected on pickles. “Hard to believe, but France imports the majority of its pickles, mainly from India. The country is the world’s leading producer with three harvests a year. In 2018, 80% of the 60 million jars of pickles sold each year in France came from India. Problem: India is the victim of a severe drought and a heat wave which will compromise the supply. Some experts are alarmed. We could run out of pickles in the next few weeks in our stores”explains Gaspard of Florival.

On the other hand, good news for sunflower oil, which is gradually returning to the shelves. “Here again, the war in Ukraine, the world’s largest exporter of sunflower oil, had completely disrupted the market and slowed down exports. But since then, brands have ended up finding it from other suppliers, in Argentina or Turkey for example, sometimes paying a high price.reports the journalist. The spokes are now full of oil.

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