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Worldwide, 5 to 7% of the population is said to be suffering from social phobia. Much more than simple shyness, it causes, in the people concerned, constant embarrassment, a lack of self-confidence as well as a fear of others and their judgement. Professor Antoine Pelissolo, psychiatrist in Créteil and co-author of La Nouvelle Peur des autres, explains how to overcome it.
Like a feeling of terror: this is what people with social phobia can feel when faced with certain everyday situations. More than shyness, this fear can cause discomfort, embarrassment, a feeling of shame in a situation. It can appear before an exchange, with the apprehension of what could happen and afterwards, when the person “dwell” on the course of certain situations. For Professor Antoine Pelissolo, psychiatrist in Créteil and co-author of The New Fear of Others“it is something that takes up a lot of space in daily life, with a tendency to anticipate everything that could be perceived in one’s own behavior as faults. It is always based on the impression that we are going to give a bad image of ourselves”.
How to get out?
Today, social anxiety can affect anyone: “People who are comfortable in some situations may not be comfortable in others.”, explains the professor. In our current society, the obligation to show a good image in the era of social networks brings additional pressure for people who are victims of social phobia. To get out of this spiral, the professor recommends a few tips, starting with detaching yourself from the pressure in front of others: “Judges are not going to scrutinize you to find your faults.”. Instead, it seems essential to take an interest in others and realize that other people are also affected by this social handicap.
The idea is to make efforts, little by little, by challenging yourself on the various most difficult points. “We need to address more people in everyday life. You have to expose yourself to fight against the avoidance that makes things worse”. If, however, social phobia does not decrease, behavioral therapies exist to combat anxiety. “When you’re young, it will go faster, but you can also do it at all ages. So it’s worth taking the step, consulting, having a diagnosis and getting support if you think it’s worth it.”, says Antoine Pelissolo.