fear is back in big cities



France 2

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In the aftermath of numerous Russian strikes in Ukraine, Marc de Chalvron takes stock of the situation from kyiv.

In Ukraine, the deluge of fire was particularly deadly on Monday, October 10. Within hours, Moscow pounded kyiv and several towns across the country. Its targets were strategic, but also civilian. Westerners denounce indiscriminate attacks. Tuesday, October 11, the capital kyiv remains on the alert.

“An air alert sounded Tuesday morning, in the sky of kyiv, without it being possible to say if it was followed for the moment by a bombardment”, explains journalist Marc de Chalvron from kyiv (Ukraine). And to continue: “An alert this morning while the night was very calm: no alert, no strike. Does this mean that Vladimir Putin’s revenge following the destruction of the Crimean bridge is over, impossible to say? say. […] The Ukrainian authorities were quite alarmist yesterday about the possibility of a second wave of bombardments. This is also the main consequence of these air strikes: fear is back in the big cities.

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