‘F*ck the world’: Joalukas, the son of Yannick Noah, gives a big rant

If most of the time Joalukas Noah appears happy and festive on his social media, he’s clearly not in the mood today. The son of one of France’s most popular men, Yannick Noah, has things on his heart and he decided to talk about it. However, the last few weeks have gone rather well for the young man who has traveled a lot. The summer started wonderfully with a great family vacation in Jamaica and more recently he was able to attend the sublime wedding of his big brother, Joakim.

A wedding that took place in Brazil, the country of origin of his wife, Lais Ribeiro. A week of celebration and joy during which the Noah clan was able to meet and celebrate love in a heavenly place. After this beautiful South American getaway, the 18-year-old went to his father’s country, Cameroon, where he was able to meet the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron. A very busy vacation during which Joalukas was able to share many moments with his followers on Instagram. If everything seemed to be going well so far, a message posted this morning in his story suggests thathe’s not really in the mood today…

“People don’t give a fuck about you and what you stand for, but they’ll suck your dick if they ever hear your last name. F*ck the world”wrote the son of Isabelle Camus in his story (to be found in the slideshow). This is a message that has the merit of being clear from Joalukas, who seems to be tired of being reduced to his last name. A problem that affects most children of stars, who often find it difficult to exist other than through the prism of their parents in the eyes of others. If he didn’t explain the situation that led him to write this, Yannick Noah’s son is sick and tired of being reduced to a “son of” and he’s making it known.

After good times with his family around the world, Joalukas came back down to earth and the landing is obviously quite hard, as he showed this morning.

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