Nantes supporters who would like to renew their subscription to go to the Beaujoire stadium in 2023-2024 will pay 6 euros less than last season. But compared to the price per game, they are losers. Explanations.
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A first (bad) news for the supporters. With a championship going from 20 to 18 clubs for the 2023-2024 season, Ligue 1 subscription prices could have been lowered. This sesame makes it possible to attend all the meetings at home. And, at first glance, FC Nantes has followed the logic: the Nantes ultras will thus pay six euros less than last season to sit in the stands for all matches.
The subscription to Toulouse Football Club, the best value for money for a Ligue 1 club involved in the European Cup
Apparently, the price of the canary subscription therefore drops. For the most accessible category, you have to pay 165 to 190 euros, depending on whether you re-subscribe or are a new subscriber (reductions for several categories, including children and students).
“Multiplied by two”
Only, if we relate the price of the subscription to the number of matches, in reality the price of the meeting increases… by 8%. “Logically, we expected the price to drop as there are fewer matchessays Camille, a subscriber for five years. On the overall price we realized that it had gone down slightly but when we look at the match, we were fooled“, regrets the supporter.
“There are stands where it increases enormouslysupports Thierry, president of a supporter club. Typically, a child under 12 in the Océane stand [tribune latérale de la Beaujoire]he doubled the price of his subscription!”he denounces, before remember that this increase does not only concern FC Nantes. “As a percentage, for example, compared to the Ligue 1 pass from Amazon [diffuseur officiel du championnat]places have increased much less: the TV pass is two euros more expensive now with two fewer matches“.
Contacted, FC Nantes welcomes the enthusiasm for the coming season. Note that Montpellier is the only Ligue 1 club to lower prices for all new subscribers.