FC Annecy beats Quevilly and offers a first success at home

She was missing! She’s finally here. After three home games without a win (2 losses, 1 draw), the Reds finally managed to win their first success on their lawn at the Sports Park. This Saturday during the 8th day of Ligue 2, Laurent Guyot’s players beat Quevilly-Rouen. They won thanks to an exceptional goal from Alexy Bosetti.

At first winded

And yet, during the first forty minutes, the Annecy were next to their pumps. Unable to chain three consecutive passes, they let visitors take control of the game and afford the best opportunities. Fortunately, each time, a foot or the back of the local defenders (Mouanga 11th, Lajugie 18th, Jean 25th) prevented the Norman strikes from reaching the goal guarded by Florian Escales. Only actions for the Reds, a free kick in the axis but too removed by Bosetti (30th).

0 to 0 at the break

Finally, it took until the last five minutes of the first to see the Reds finally react. Testud (44th) placed a head slammed above its crossbar by the porter of Quevilly. Two minutes later, Yohann Thuram did it again on a strike from Bosetti then on a recovery from Testud (45th + 2). Finally, the two teams returned to the locker room for half-time with a score of 0-0, but Laurent Guyot’s players seemed to have their heads above water.

Bosetti’s stroke of genius

After the break, the Reds were purring again and the 4,114 spectators at the Sports Park had to make a big effort not to doze off. The injury of Phliponeau (71st), released on a stretcher (knee), plunged the stadium a little more into the anguish of a soporific evening.

And then, lightning fell on the bowl (74th). A flash of genius signed (once again) Alexy Bosetti. A volley as sumptuous as it was instantaneous which, on a bad return from the defense of QRM, landed in the left corner of Thuram’s goal.

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More in the red zone

During the last quarter of an hour, the FCA retreated and suffered in the face of the Norman attacks. But the Reds were not going to crack and offered their first success at home. Finally ! In the ranking, Annecy leaves the relegation zone and now occupies the 12th. Next Saturday, the Annecy will travel to Le Havre (9th day) currently second in this Ligue 2 championship.

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