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The Franco-Tunisian writer and journalist publishes “Par le fil je t’ai cousue”, a book of more than 350 pages, published by Plon. An echo to her own story, she who was one of the first women educated in Tunisia, under the Bourguiba era.
In Tunisia, Fawzia Zouari was part of this first generation of women to go to school to study. “A sesame“, according to the main interested party. Year after year the young girl perseveres to obtain diplomas and to rise socially in a country where the place occupied by women is in perpetual evolution. To finish her studies, she chooses to go to France . “Tunisia is the country of my roots and France is the country of my openness“, sums up today the one who publishes “By the thread I sewed you“ Plon editions.
In this book, published on January 13, 2022, the author recounts slices of life from this childhood that she spent in the Tunisian countryside, immersed in an atmosphere marked by ancient traditions. If the modernity of the Bourguiba regime allows young girls to go to school, it also raises fears among mothers who see their daughters emancipate. They will therefore do everything in their power to protect them. The personal story of the Franco-Tunisian writer surely inspired her in writing this novel.