Favorite Miss Lorraine? The pretty Sarah Aoutar makes the buzz on the web

It is on December 17 that we will finally know the name of the one who succeeds Diane Leyre. The election of Miss France 2023 will indeed be held on this date in the town of Déols, in the Center-Val de Loire region. An election which promises to be always colorful and which will mark the departure of Sylvie Tellier as head of the Miss France committee presidency.

While waiting for the big night, the candidates are already starting to prepare. Once again, they are 30 in number and will represent each region of France. Who will take the place of Diane Leyre who was elected representing the Paris region? If in recent years, it is the Misses from the Provence, Alpe Côte d’Azur or Nord-pas-de-Calais regions who have often been announced as “favorites”, it seems very different this time.

Sarah Ouatar: Miss Lorraine big favorite for Miss France 2023?
This Tuesday, November 1, 2022, Cyril Hanouna, like every year, broadcast the faces of the candidates on the big screen live in “Touche pas à mon poste”. If Miss Brittany has been strongly cited by viewers, it is above all Miss Lorraine who has been unanimous on social networks.

Elected on October 8, Sarah Aoutar is a pretty 25-year-old brunette who is in charge of compliance in the investment sector. “In everyday life, I exercise the practice of fitness and I am a big fan of fashion. I admire the news and I am on the lookout for the latest trends. In my opinion, a Miss Lorraine must convey values ​​of femininity and be kind and be available to the people of Lorraine she said after her coronation. The young woman who lives in Thionville and who measures 1.73 m left no one indifferent and the reactions show it:

Elizabeth Sall

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