Very discreet about her private life, the host of It starts today has never failed to tell in detail how she had met the man of her life, the author of thrillers Maxime Chattam. Like this time, at the microphone of Isabelle Morizet on Europe 1 in the show There is only one life in lifebroadcast on April 17, 2021. Faustine Bollaert recalls that at the time, in 2010, she presented What if that was happiness? on the same radio station and had invited the famous Gothic writer: “I had invited him because I wanted to know what was hidden behind the pen of this writer, a pen that I found fascinating. And I discovered an equally fascinating man”, she explained. An interview that upsets her to the point of saying to her colleagues: “This man is perfect!”. In 2022, the couple celebrated 10 years of marriage.

Between screaming and wanting to vomit…
In the meantime, the two lovers have created a real pretty tribe, welcoming the little Abbieborn on July 18, 2013, then two years later, To fart, born on July 24, 2015. But his clan, his inner circle, the presenter keeps him very carefully away from any media fire, even if, with her husband, she is very keen on networks. Nevertheless very close to her community, she wanted to share with her this Sunday, July 2, 2023, a great moment… unforgettable. Title (a little early) “His 8 years at the Sea of Sand”, speaking of young Peter, the beautiful 44-year-old brunette presents in story from her Instagram account, a series of photos that are breathtaking to say the least! Including a photo where we see her screaming in terror while on board a roller coaster! Worse, in front of a merry-go-round composed of seats made of wooden logs spinning on themselves, she tells her fans: “I leave you, I will vomit” with happy emoticons! A privileged moment in the historical park located in Ermenonville, in Seine-et-Marne, originally created by the actor Jean Richard, on which the faces of the little ones do not appear… obviously. Happy birthday Peter!
See also: Faustine Bollaert’s husband in the middle of a hug with another, the host immediately retweets!