Faustine Bollaert forced to lie: what she was forbidden to say in The best pastry chef

Show host The best pastry chef from 2012 to 2017, Faustine Bollaert had left M6 after having had a very interesting offer from France 2: to become the host of the show It starts today. A very bad start for Cyril Lignac, his sidekick in the culinary competition show. Interviewed by TV Magazinethe cook confided: “We loved Faustine, she was part of the team, things were going very well. Inevitably, when she says: ‘I’m leaving’, it hits the whole team.'”

For her part, Faustine Bollaert had also revealed that this change of position had not been taken well by her former bosses. “They weren’t very happy. You’re never very happy when you say you’re leaving“, she had told the journalists of Tele-Leisure. Sure of her choice and her desire for change, she had explained to our colleagues TV Magazine : ” There was a beautiful alignment of the planets. Everything fit together perfectly, it was crazy. Me, I’ve been waiting for a show like this for twenty years.

Favorite presenter of France 2 since August 28, 2017, date of the first broadcast It starts todayFaustine Bollaert later presented a spin-off show It starts today, news from our guests in 2019. Interviewed by RTL this weekend on the show We redo the TV, the wife of Maxime Chattam indicated that she had kept a very heavy secret during all these years of hosting on M6. Now freed from her obligations to the channel, she finally revealed what she had had to keep quiet for far too long.

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