Faustine Bollaert balances on her husband, the novelist Maxime Chattam

Faustine Bollaert is a fulfilled woman. Professionally speaking, the 43-year-old host has gradually become a pillar of France 2 and is enjoying audience success with her daily meeting “It starts today”. But everything is also going well in terms of his private life. She spins the perfect love with the novelist Maxime Chattam. The couple met in 2010 on a television set, when she hosted “And if that was happiness?”, She received the novelist on her show. “I had invited him because I wanted to know what was hidden behind the pen of this writer, a pen that I found fascinating. And I discovered an equally fascinating man“, she had related. This interview was such a revelation that she slipped to her colleagues: “That man, he’s perfect.” An obvious fact that materialized in a beautiful love story and the birth in 2013 of their daughter, Abbie and two years later of their son, Peter.

But sharing the life of a writer of crime novels whose stories are often very dark is not always easy. Invited Saturday, November 12, 2022, in the program “We redo the TV” on RTL, Faustine Bollaert delivered sacred confidences on the man of her life who studied in criminology. “The other time, we were watching Star Academy, and he was looking at an autopsy report for an upcoming book., she told Eric Dussart. And to recognize in stride: He’s creepy, yes. However, it is really a man’s cream”.

Despite the habit, it still happens to Faustine Bollaert to be surprised by the tortuous imagination of her darling. “From time to time I am a little decomposed and I still ask him the question: ‘But how can you write that?’ I find it hard to imagine sometimes that it’s the adorable, tender man I know who can write such horrors. Mainly, how he can come down from his office after writing this, and find us. There are times there is a little clash of cultures”she confided.

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