Faustine Bollaert and Maxime Chattam: intimate confidences on the success of their couple

On October 4, 2022, Faustine Bollaert will be at the helm of a new issue of Times are changingon France 2. An unpublished baptized The couple: 50 years of combat which traces fifty years of revolution on sex, the couple and love. On this occasion, the beautiful 43-year-old presenter granted an interview to TV Star and did not escape a question about his couple and his family.

It’s been twelve beautiful years that Faustine Bollaert spins the perfect love with Maxime Chattam and ten years that the lovebirds have united. The charming brunette knows she can count on her dear and tender to support her in any area. “We are a complementary couple with interchangeable positions. My husband takes care of the children as much as I take care of the house. It is a perfect parity“, she confided. She also clarified that, when a testimony of It starts today upsets her, he is present so that she does not let herself be overwhelmed by her emotions. “I turn to my husband or my close circle to tell my feelings. It’s essential for my health“, she clarified.

Her children Abbie (9 years old) and Peter (7 years old) are also an important support for Faustine Bollaert. Two marvels that she raises in the same way. “I don’t talk to them about gender because they’re too small, but I explain to them that you can love a man or a woman without that being a problem. It’s up to them to do their own learning. My son has been playing with dolls for a very long time and my daughter categorically refuses to wear pink“, she said;

Her children, she wants to preserve them. Although she reveals some photos on social networks, she takes care to conceal their faces. She is also rather low-key when it comes to her romance. We know all the same that it was in 2010 that Maxime Chattam and she met, on the antenna of Europe 1 thanks to the program What if that was happiness?. “I find that meeting while he is promoting a story that ultimately tells a little about ours, it was very beautiful. Throughout the show, we fall in love with each other. Afterwards, we went out together much later but we met there“, she said in It won’t get out of here (France 2) in 2019. A romance that did not start immediately because at the time, they were both a couple.

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