Father of a family, he faces up to 20 years in prison for the rape of his 15-day-old baby

A shocking affair. For several days, a 32-year-old father has been appearing before the Vendée Assize Court for the rape of his 15-day-old son, reports BFM TV according to information from Ouest-France. It was in 2019 that this thirty-year-old, described as a man “kind, sensitive” and ” generous by his relatives, committed the inconceivable.

It is thanks to another equally sordid case that the acts of the father of the newborn have been revealed to the big day. In June of the same year, the latter had been caught red-handed in the showers of a campsite on the Île de Ré while filming a woman without her knowledge. The victim had quickly denounced the voyeur to the gendarmerie who had immediately taken up the case.

Once the phone was in their possession, the police very quickly discovered that the man was in possession of numerous pornographic photos. Among these, some represent minors and others… zoophilic acts. According to our colleagues, all had been downloaded from the net. Except for one. An image of the man imposing oral sex on his baby.

A devastated mother

Present at the bar, the mother of the child spoke. “It only took an hour of absence on my part for it to happen”she said before adding: “I expected anything but that.” For good reason… The mother of the newborn saw her husband as a man “listening, discreet and humble, because a practicing Catholic […] Eventually, the person I thought was all white began to darken.”

But the nightmare of the young woman does not stop there. After her terrible revelations, the latter discovered two other phones belonging to her husband at her home. Mobiles that contained thousands of child pornography photos as well as a photo of her, unconscious, being raped by her own husband… The man “acknowledges all the facts with which he is charged and faces 20 years of criminal imprisonment. »


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