Fatal train accident | The victim arrested earlier for drunkenness, the BEI is investigating

The Bureau of Independent Investigations (BEI) will investigate the circumstances of a police intervention, late Friday evening, involving the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM).

Posted at 7:31 a.m.

The investigation concerns the death of a man in a train accident which occurred around 11:40 p.m.

The victim is an individual who had been arrested by police officers from neighborhood station 5, Pointe-Claire, in the west of the island of Montreal, about twenty minutes earlier, for drunkenness on the public highway.

According to what was reported to the BEI, the man was able to leave the police after a brief discussion of just a few minutes.

The precise place of the intervention was not specified by the BEI, as was the place where the fatal rail accident occurred.

Five investigators from the BEI were to go to the scene to begin the investigation. The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) will act as a support police service in this file.

The BEI asks anyone who witnessed this event to contact it via its website at www.bei.gouv.qc.ca

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