Fatal shot on a film set | Alec Baldwin assures him that he collaborates in the investigation

(Washington) The American actor Alec Baldwin assured Saturday to collaborate in the investigation into the shooting which killed a scenario writer during the shooting of the film Rust, nearly a month after the police were allowed to seize his cell phone.

“Any insinuation that I do not comply with requests, orders, demands or seizure warrants concerning my phone is bullshit, it’s a lie,” said the actor in a video posted on Instagram.

He explained that the authorities in the state of New Mexico, where the tragedy occurred last October, were working in connection with those in the state of New York, where he lives, and that the steps to recover the phone were taking a long time.

“Of course, we’re going to be 1000% compliant with all of that. We are in perfect agreement with that, ”assured the actor.

The American police officers in charge of the investigation were authorized on December 16 to seize the cell phone of Alec Baldwin, who was handling the revolver in question during the accident, and who is also the producer of the western on a low budget.

At the time of the drama, on October 21 at a ranch in Santa Fe (New Mexico), Alec Baldwin was working on a scene with director of photography Halyna Hutchins.

He maintains that he never pulled the trigger of the gun when the shot was fired, saying that he contented himself with cocking the hammer. And he said in a TV interview that he had “no idea” how a real bullet could have gotten on the film set and “got into the gun”, which he was presented with as being. harmless.

The warrant issued in mid-December estimates that “there may be evidence on the phone” relating to this case, such as messages or emails sent or received by Alec Baldwin regarding the production of Rust.

No arrests have been made in this case to date, but criminal prosecution is not excluded, including against Alec Baldwin, should responsibility be established.

In an interview with the American channel ABC, broadcast on December 2, Alec Baldwin had declared to feel neither guilty nor even “responsible” for the death of Halyna Hutchins.

“The best way, the only way to pay homage to Halyna Hutchins is to find out the truth. This is what I work on, what I insist on, what I demand, ”Alec Baldwin said in his Instagram post.

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