Fatal dangerous maneuver: a baby will never see his father

The life of a father who was to welcome his second child this summer would have been violently mowed down by the dangerous driving of a teenager, Monday evening, in Rawdon.

• Read also: Lanaudière: the dangerous driving of a minor causes a serious accident in Rawdon

“Giving driving licenses to 17-year-old children is not a good idea, thunders Gérald Castilloux. I waited until I was 21 to get mine. It rides in a chariot […] and it doesn’t know how to drive. »

His son Jean-Éric Castilloux, 38, died Monday around 5:30 p.m. in a violent face-to-face on Chemin du Lac-Morgan, in Rawdon, in Lanaudière.

According to information collected by the Sûreté du Québec (SQ), a 17-year-old young man overtook in the opposite lane, causing a major collision with the victim’s vehicle.

The deadly face-off happened about four kilometers from the residence of the father of the family.


Photo QMI Agency, Pierre Laurent

Charge and driver’s license

The teenager was arrested for dangerous driving causing death.

However, he has not yet been formally charged, as he is still in hospital treating minor injuries.

In its investigation, the SQ is trying to determine whether the suspect had a valid driver’s license.

Still shaken, Jean-Éric’s father implores young motorists to be less reckless on the roads to prevent this kind of drama from happening.

You have to “be careful, very careful. It can’t be that we’ve come to that, ”insists the septuagenarian on the phone.

His son, who grew up in Paspébiac, in the Gaspé, was expecting the birth of a little girl in August, he who already had a 10-year-old child.

“No father. It’s sad that, there, ”breathed Mr. Castilloux, at a loss for words in the face of the tragedy.

Jean-Eric Castilloux, Victim

Photo taken from Facebook

Jean-Eric Castilloux, Victim

A working man

Settled for a few years in Rawdon, the thirties known for his hard work was at the head of the company SandBlast Montreal, specializing in particular in the service of restoration of concrete walls.

“It was a very good Jack, relates Eric Lanthier, his business partner, stressing that the latter has never hesitated to travel on weekends for work. He didn’t deserve this. »

Respect the rules

Regardless of the age and comfort level of the drivers, safety rules must be followed at all times, reminds Marco Harrison, road safety expert at CAA-Quebec.

Especially for those who have less experience, “it’s to reduce risk-taking as much as possible […] to focus on doing things well within our means,” he says.

With the collaboration of Ludovic Théberge

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