Farmland and Food Pantry | The duty

I live in Bas-Saint-Laurent and I own several lots zoned agricultural at around 300 m altitude. The Agricultural Land Protection Act reminds me of Operations Dignity of the time. I have four young people who would like to settle in the area where I live, but who cannot because the land is supposedly agricultural.

The reality is that the vast majority of my land is very difficult to cultivate due to the layer of soil being too thin. When I walk in the field, quite often I walk on lichen and dry grass. When I try to plow it, the plow jumps on the rock notch and it costs me a tip every row. The last farmer who came left without paying. The others would like to put Round-up there. I am against the idea of ​​“chemical” farming. I have planted several fruit trees and I want to have a diversity of pollinating insects.

The current vision of agricultural development in Quebec does not fit with sustainable and intelligent development and unfortunately does not take into account regional realities. We are destroying the environment and impoverishing the soil by massively using Round-up for subsidized monocultures which aim to feed populations outside our territorial limits. We favor and subsidize large companies to the detriment of local agriculture.

In Quebec, each of us should have a garden and meet part of our food needs. This is true local agriculture.

Unfortunately, people are too lazy and prefer to burn fuel by driving “side by side” with a six-pack between the legs to create abundance.

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