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Despite the war, Ukrainian farmers continue to cultivate their land and hope to recover crops. But the impossibility of exporting them makes the situation difficult.
The port of Mykolaiv is completely shut down. For three months, no more Ukrainian boats have left. They are blocked by Russian warships. 20 kilometers away, the consequences are visible. “Here we have 500 tons of barley in this shed alone“, testifies Nadia Ivanova. Farmer and local elected official, she saw her production accumulate, without the possibility of exporting it. “These are seeds that Ukrainians do not use, they are not sold. And it’s not good for us“, she worries.
Nadia Ivanova fears bankruptcy: she does not know where she will store the next harvest. The regional economy, more than 65% dependent on its grain exports, is seriously threatened. “Russian forces are not sparing agricultural facilities. Here, a strike fell on March 7th. No one was hurt“, says Majid Khiat, special envoy to Mykolaiv.