farmers, teachers, police… discontent is gaining ground


Video length: 2 min

Demonstrations: farmers, teachers, police… discontent is gaining ground

Demonstrations: farmers, teachers, police… discontent is gaining ground – (France info)

Is social discontent taking hold in France? After teachers, farmers, truck drivers and taxi drivers, several hundred municipal police officers expressed their anger on Saturday February 3. Demonstrations to demand in particular an increase in their pensions.

In Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), Bordeaux (Gironde), Paris and Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), municipal police demonstrated on Saturday February 3, to demand in particular the generalization of certain bonuses but also better consideration . Two days before, the teachers had gone on strike and this time, it is the recent reforms which are being singled out. An anger which adds to that of the farmers but also of the taxis who also paraded this week.

Different demands

Social discontent is growing in several sectors, each time for very different reasons. Retirement for municipal police officers, reforms for Education, the agreement with taxi health insurance funds, the agricultural world is calling for administrative simplification in particular. So many distinct demands in addition to that of salaries. Social movements which also impact the rest of Europe, at least seven countries have been affected by agricultural demonstrations in recent days.

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