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In the Haut-Rhin, crows poison the lives of the inhabitants, especially the farmers, who are exasperated and feel helpless in the face of the damage caused.
In the Alsatian sky the crows in number, and in the fields of the farmers who can only note the damage. Corn seeds are taken out of the ground by rooks, in search of food. “Once they have found the seeding line, they take seed by seed, they go down and with their beaks, even before the corn has emerged, they start to remove the grains”, explains Frédéric Baldeck, cereal producer. Result, on a plot, there are more than 60% of missing shoots. Everything will have to be resown.
The losses are uncompensated and the recurring problem. One of his neighbors has chosen to invest in a bird scarer. But these techniques have limitations. Corvids, which are particularly intelligent, can quickly understand that there is no danger there. Trying to reduce the proliferation of corvids, this is what the agglomeration of Colmar has been doing for a few years. But trapping and regulatory shootings can also cause controversy, deemed ineffective by some animal protection associations.