Far from impressing the Huskies | The Journal of Montreal

LONDON | The Saskatchewan Huskies weren’t impressed with Kevin Mital’s promise to “pass the scratch” at the Vanier Cup and instead prefer to speak with their actions on the field.

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“We’re going to scratch on Saturday. 2022 is going to be a year that we will remember all our lives, ”launched the Rouge et Or wide receiver never short of powerful statements, in front of the entire room at RBC Place in London, Thursday evening.

Mital had just received the prestigious Hec Crighton Trophy as the nation’s most valuable player when he spoke those words.

Defensive back Charlie Ringland was present with a few teammates when he heard Mital’s speech.

The veteran player speaks French and therefore understood most of the message. But do not count on him to enter the dance.

“I understood what he said, but at the end of the day, we will see what happens. He can say what he wants, ”he reacted.

“He’s a good player and he’s a great team, but I think we have good players too. It will be a good battle tomorrow [samedi]. »

Ringland preferred to talk about the upcoming game. After experiencing the pain of defeat last year, he feels ready to finally lift the big trophy.

“The atmosphere is quite similar. Many players are back. We all know we didn’t do the job last year so we have to come even more determined. »

“Here to play football”

Its head coach, Scott Flory, who spent 15 years in the Canadian Football League and the Alouettes, has seen others during his career. He is not the first great speaker he meets.

“We are here to play football. That’s all I know. The lyrics and all those things, I’m not going to get into that. »

The one who won two Vanier Cups with the Huskies in 1996 and 1998 did not want to dwell on the subject. It will be on the ground that the match will be played, he pleaded.

Scott Flory is especially happy with the preparation of his team… and the weather. Sunny weather is expected in London on Saturday and the mercury is expected to reach 10 degrees.

The Huskies have been battling the elements in recent weeks and a game in the sun will do the world some good, concedes the Saskatchewan native coach.

“If you saw footage of our games a few weeks ago, we had a blizzard. And two weeks ago it was -15 degrees. We were freezing. So this week is like spring,” Flory said.

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