Fanny Ardant once again defends Gérard Depardieu

Nathalie Baye, her daughter Julie, and now her friend Fanny Ardant. Gérard Depardieu

divided since his indictment in 2020 on December 16, 2020 for rape and sexual assault after a complaint from the actress Charlotte Arnould for supposed facts which date from the end of August 2018. But it is especially since the broadcast of the Further investigation which was dedicated to him, on December 7, 2023, that the sacred monster of French cinema hits the headlines. Particularly because of his behavior revealed in the said report, in which the 74-year-old actor sexualizes a young girl and has numerous verbal slips.

Faced with the controversy sparked by this documentary, the actor’s family spoke in the columns of Sunday Newspaper over the weekend, and his daughter Julie Depardieu denounced the “cabal”carried out against his father during his visit to Pascal Praud this Monday evening. This Tuesday, December 19, 2023, it’s her friend Fanny Ardant who decided to support him. Not supporting her friend, the 74-year-old actress would see this as a betrayal: “Once you have a friend, if you betray your friend, you are a snitch, it’s a term in prison. That is to say, you have to remain faithful to the people you love.”she confided to RTL


Also see: “We excuse him…”, Clara Morgane speaks again on the Depardieu affair and “the 11-year-old little girl”

Fanny Ardant denounces the “people’s tribunal”

“I always thought that the greatest strength of a country was freedom, diversity of opinions, discussions, dialectics. Whereas here, I can say that what is happening with Gérard, it’s a death sentence.”has followed Fanny Ardantshocked by the situation experienced Gérard Depardieu.

She regrets the fact that the actor is condemned even before the courts deliver their verdict. “Everything is business, production is afraid, everyone is afraid that this person about whom we say bad things will harm profits. Virtue and profit coexist in this society, we are heading towards something dangerous”concluded Fanny Ardant still so disappointed and upset.


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