Famous Emiles

This is an original way to visit Lorraine (and even beyond) by taking a first name. So let’s take, on this day that celebrates the Emiles, the famous Emiles of Lorraine and start the Mimile Tour! With the Emiles, you can start with the world of the arts, for example a visit to the museum of the Ecole de Nancy with Emile Gallé. We then go into painting, with Emile Boilvin, painter and engraver from Metz… not to be confused with Emile Boileau!

Metz (place Saint-Louis), birthplace of Emile Boilvin.

In this trip to the Mimile, you can then stop off in literature, with Emile Erckmann. We often forget the first name of this Phalsbourgeois so much his name is associated with that of Alexandre Chatrian. The two writers have made their two surnames a pen name. It should be noted in passing that the founder of the Erckmann-Chatrian committee is also an Emile, Emile Hinzelin, a committee that will lead to the creation of the famous Erckmann-Chatrian literary prize.

Phalsbourg (place d'Armes), the city of Emile Erckmann / Photo ©wikipédia-Poudou99
Phalsbourg (place d’Armes), the city of Emile Erckmann / Photo ©wikipédia-Poudou99

In literature, we can also mention Emile Bréhier, from Bar-le-Duc, best known for his History of Philosophy in eight volumes. The Mimile from Lorraine also provide us with great outings in the scientific register, in particular with the Spinalian Emile Durckheim, “father of modern sociology”, and Emile Coué, who developed his famous Coué Method in Nancy. He is one of the pioneers of behavioral psychology. On the way with the Lorraine Emiles, some more distant trips await you, with two naval officers, two Emiles, Emile de Lacoste, born in Metz and great nephew of Napoleon I, and Emile Gentil. Gentil was more than a naval officer, this Mosellen was an explorer and will give his name to the capital of Gabon, Port-Gentil, after he came to carry out a mission there on a hydraulic question in 1890.

Bar-le-Duc, where Emile Bréhier was born in 1876.
Bar-le-Duc, where Emile Bréhier was born in 1876.
Epinal, the birthplace of Emile Durckheim, also has great emotions in store for you.  Here, the stained glass window by master glassmaker Gabriel Loire, at the ND des cierges church (near the station)
Epinal, the birthplace of Emile Durckheim, also has great emotions in store for you. Here, the stained glass window by master glassmaker Gabriel Loire, at the ND des cierges church (near the station)

When we say Emile, we of course think of Emilie. Let us then think of the formidable Emilie du Chatelet, too often summed up as Voltaire’s mistress. She was a high-flying scientist and intellectual. Go and visit the place where she is buried, it is under a slab at the entrance to the church of Saint-Jacques de Lunéville, one of the most beautiful churches in Lorraine, in a baroque style. There are many elements to observe, including the exceptional organ. Go there preferably with a guide, it’s exciting! And if the weather allows it and your heart tells you, then hang around in this very pleasant district of Lunéville.

The exceptional organ of the Saint-Jacques de Lunéville church
The exceptional organ of the Saint-Jacques de Lunéville church
Around this church, a very pleasant district, not far from the castle
Around this church, a very pleasant district, not far from the castle

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