family reunion with Yvan Attal and their son Ben on the red carpet

The flower of French cinema had met on the Champs-Élysées on Tuesday, November 23 for the premiere of Yvan Attal’s latest film, Human Things. THIS feature film is a film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Karine Tuil. It tells the story of a young man who is accused of having raped a young woman. But many gray areas surround these two protagonists who will see their lives, their convictions and their certainties shattered. The actor and director chose to shoot with his family since he chose to film his son Ben and his partner Charlotte Gainsbourg.

In the columns of Madame Figaro, the daughter of Serge Gainsbourg has also returned to the difficulties encountered on the shooting of this new film. “Yvan knows exactly what he wants. It’s great, but it’s… straightforward. Even though I have been doing this job for a long time, I remain very vulnerable on a set, so I steer clear. We haven’t yet found a peaceful way to work together. Or maybe it’s a mode of operation …“Says the actress. Comments confirmed by Ben Attal, son of the star couple:”He doesn’t mince his words, but I know he’s passionate. If it wasn’t I would worry about what I do“.

Dany Boon and Élie Semoun around Yvan Attal and Charlotte Gainsbourg

I live the shooting in a permanent doubt. […] I want to do well and am sometimes very impatient. So I’m not always easy, I admit. I don’t always put the shapes, I forget my wife, my son, I talk to actors. Except that between us, it may be more hurtful“, confirms Yvan Attal who describes himself as” anxious “.

This Tuesday, November 23, the director has in any case been able to count on the presence of his relatives but also other famous actors who have come to discover his new work. Comedians Dany Boon and Élie Semoun posed on the red carpet before the screening.

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