Family policies in the eye of a future dad

I will become a dad for the first time in September, a few days before the Quebec general election. As a future parent, I already anticipate becoming the target of an escalation of electoral promises.

Posted yesterday at 9:00 a.m.

Geoffrey Boucher

Geoffrey Boucher
future dad

Dear political formations, be warned: the promise of a new tax credit or an umpteenth measure aimed at “putting money back in the pockets of families” will not be enough to get my vote. Solid proposals, anchored in a long-term vision, are more likely to attract my attention. Here are some of them, which I invite you to take inspiration from.

Double the duration of paternity leave

The leave reserved for fathers, which was introduced in Quebec when the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan was implemented in 2006, is a remarkable tool for promoting an equitable sharing of family responsibilities. Numerous studies have demonstrated the lasting effect of the increased involvement of fathers during the first moments of a newborn’s life on their involvement in long-term family life.

If today Quebec fathers stand out as being the most invested in the country, a significant imbalance persists in terms of the take-up of shareable parental leave.

This imbalance has the particular effect of slowing down the professional progress of women who have to put their careers on hold for several months, or even years, in order to take care of their children. By doubling the duration of paternity leave, currently five weeks, Quebec would be based on a strong scientific consensus and would catch up with the member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development where the average duration of this leave is 10 weeks. .

Subsidize the entire network of educational childcare services

Quebec is currently facing a major shortage of places in educational childcare services. While the government has pledged to complete the network by 2025, it has remained rather evasive about the fate reserved for unsubsidized private daycares.

However, nearly a quarter of the network is currently not subsidized, which raises major issues of equity between Quebec families.

Indeed, although the fees paid for non-subsidized childcare services are eligible for a tax credit, a gap persists between the net cost of a place in subsidized and non-subsidized childcare services. In addition, due to the lack of resources, a significant gap in the quality of the services offered is observable. However, according to experts, the quality of services is crucial, because it has a direct impact on the development of children, particularly among the most vulnerable. In this context, a project to convert non-subsidized environments into subsidized environments is essential. Particular attention to educational quality must absolutely guide such a project.

Launch a commission on education in Quebec

The recent debates around the cry from the heart of Gregory Charles and the plan proposed by the École ensemble movement to reform the school system have, once again, highlighted the need to reflect collectively on our education system. Despite a wealth of scientific literature and the abundance of conclusive data, Quebec is struggling – between electoral contests – to tackle the important issues of school dropout, the professional desertion of teachers and the segregation of students between private networks, selective public and “regular” public. We are definitely ripe for in-depth reflection, guided by experts and in a non-partisan context, which would provide Quebec with a renewed vision in the area of ​​education.

These proposals, and many others, such as a change in labor standards to increase the number of days of paid absence for family obligations, have in common that they have structural and lasting effects on the lives of families. It is these kinds of proposals – rather than the promise of a new check – that are likely to capture my attention in the coming months. Good campaign!

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