The consumer defense association believes that labels can lead one to believe that the honey is 100% French when it is not. “There is the formulation in ISO code when there are more than five geographical origins,” replies Marie Michaud.
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“Famille Michaud Apiculteurs is a serious player, which respects regulations”, defends herself Thursday May 30 on France Bleu Béarn the CEO of the group, Marie Michaud. His company is the subject of a complaint filed by the UFC Que Choisir because the association denounces the “Frenchwashing” of the largest honey player in France and accuses it of commercial practices aimed at duping the consumer.
“All the honeys that are packaged on our Gan site [près de Pau dans les Pyrénées-Atlantiques] are analyzed, controlled and the indication of geographical indications is clearly mentioned, even before the regulations”assures Marie Michaud. “It is clearly written on the jars and then there is the formulation in ISO code, when there are more than five geographical origins”she explains.
That is why “I can’t understand or explain” the complaint from UFC Que Choisir, assures the CEO of the company. “Honey is the most transparent product category in the breakfast family in mass distribution,” she insists. “Displaying origins has been compulsory for two years now in France. In the honey category, Famille Michaud Apiculteurs is a serious player, which respects regulations and which informs consumers in a positive way (…) We are fighting for quality honeys always and for transparency with consumers”.