families of hostages received by Benyamin Netanyahu


Video length:
2 min

War between Israel and Hamas: families of hostages received by Benjamin Netanyahu

War between Israel and Hamas: families of hostages received by Benyamin Netanyahu – (FRANCEINFO)

Article written by

franceinfo – A. Hébert, H. El Aflahi

France Televisions

Monday, November 20, the meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister was eagerly awaited for the families of the hostages held by Hamas for more than six weeks.

Several hundred people gathered in front of UNICEF headquarters in Tel Aviv (Israel) on Monday, November 20. Families of hostages held by Hamas demand faster negotiations. They were then due to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “Our loved ones have been in Gaza for six weeks and two days. We don’t know how they feel, if they are healthy or even if they are alive”confides a woman.

An agreement in principle found?

For several days, tension has continued to rise in Israel over the thorny issue of hostages, like a tense exchange between families and deputies on Monday in Parliament. According to the American newspaper The Washington Post, an agreement in principle was reached on the release of around fifty women and children. Israel and Hamas, however, have not confirmed this information.

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