Two men were arrested in connection with several cases of false representative fraud occurring in Laval. The suspects could have caused other victims, investigators believe.
The Laval Police Service (SPL) arrested two suspects during an operation targeting a network of false representative fraudsters. Investigators believe the alleged thieves may have caused other victims. The police force invites the population to provide them with any useful and relevant information related to this fraudulent scheme.
Two searches by the General Crime Squad took place last week. They led to two arrests in connection with six fraud cases that occurred in Laval in fall 2023. “The suspects managed to steal an amount of more than $25,000 from their victims,” specifies the SPL in a press release.
The scam mainly targets elderly people. Each time, the same deceptive scenario: a first suspect first contacted the victims by telephone, posing as a representative of a financial institution. This suspect used a false name: Jean-Pierre Labonté.
“He then claimed that they had been victims of fraud on their bank card,” report the authorities.
After gaining their trust, he would ask them to place their bank cards in an envelope and write the personal identification number (PIN) on the back. He subsequently mentioned that an investigator would pick up their cards at their residence.
It is possible that the two suspects could have been active and may have caused other victims in the Greater Montreal area. Investigators invite victims and witnesses who do not reside in Laval territory to contact their respective police services in order to file a complaint or transmit information.
The two men are currently accused of fraud over $5,000, credit card theft, as well as identity theft. Jean-Yves Caron, 56, was released following his appearance.

Jean-Yves Caron
His alleged accomplice, Borris-Armel Bahouely Kraye, 27, remains detained following his appearance. He is expected to appear again later this week.

Borris-Armel Bahouely Kraye, 27 years old