Fallen comedian Bill Cosby wants to reconnect with his audience

Bill Cosby, convicted of sexual assault in 2018 and 2022, has not mourned his career as a comedian. The former star of Cosby Show intends to return to the boards in 2023, he said Wednesday during a radio interview on WGH Talk in Ohio.

“When I get out of this ordeal, I think I’ll be able to perform and be the Bill Cosby that my audience knows,” the 85-year-old said.

By “this ordeal”, the former glory of American television refers to a new civil lawsuit filed by five women on December 5 in New York State. They claim to have suffered sexual violence from 1969 to 1995.

Bill Cosby intends to wait for the outcome of this trial before returning to the stage, probably in the spring or summer of 2023. “It is so much fun to tell my stories, he launched at the microphone of WGH Talk. Years ago, maybe 10 years ago, I discovered that it was better to say them after writing them. »

Sentenced in September 2018 for drugging and raping Torontonian Andrea Constand in 2004, Bill Cosby spent nearly three years in prison. He was released on June 30, 2021 after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned the judgment on a procedural violation.

In 2022, a California civil court ordered the comedian to pay $500,000 to a woman he sexually assaulted when she was 16 in 1975.

Since 2004, dozens of women have in turn accused the former headliner of sexual violence, whether through the courts, the media or social networks.

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