Failures of line 1 833 DENOUNCED | A “bad message” sent to the victims

The government is sending a very “bad message” to victims by not providing immediate help to those who try to denounce a situation of misconduct or sexual violence in a school, believes the Centrale des unions du Québec (CSQ). A situation described as “unacceptable” by the opposition in Quebec.

The Press reported Friday morning that the line set up by the Ministry of Education to report a situation of misconduct or sexual violence in a school systematically returns to a voicemail, even during opening hours on weekdays. 1 833 DENONCE invites those who call to leave their name and telephone number.

The CSQ believes that regardless of who chooses to denounce a situation experienced in a school, this person must receive “quick and direct assistance”.

“Otherwise, it’s just a facade that is more likely to fuel cynicism. And that’s really not the message to send to the victims, who are showing a lot of courage, ”said its president, Éric Gingras, in a press release.

The education critic of Québec solidaire considers the situation “unacceptable”.

“When it comes to sexual assault, the government needs to listen to the experts. They tell us that a voicemail is not a solution”, says Ruba Ghazal.

Organizations that work with victims of sexual violence have testified to The Press that it is “essential” that those who pick up the phone to report a situation can speak to someone in person.

Liberal Party education critic Marwah Rizqy says it’s “ridiculous” that Quebec City’s established phone service sends complainants to voicemail and isn’t available 24 hours a day.

Ruba Ghazal calls on the Minister of Education Bernard Drainville to “go further than a telephone line and adopt a framework law to fight against sexual violence in our schools”.

The office of Minister of Education Bernard Drainville did not respond to the interview request made by The PressFriday morning.

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