failed by TF1, Valérie Damidot not against the idea of ​​taking her place…

The queen of the maroufle raged on M6 for ten years with her show D&CO that everyone remembers. Subsequently, and when her program was stopped, the “funny blonde from Paf” accompanied a few programs on TF1, such as My most beautiful Christmaswhere she accompanied, as a coach, families competing in imagination and decoration to win the contest highlighting the spirit of Christmas around a dinner, which was judged by Juan Arbelaez. Then ousted from the front page, for a time rescheduled on TFX until 2021, the host retained a certain bitterness when the private channel refused her the creation of her decoration magazine. With our colleagues from TV 2 Weeksthis Friday, July 7, 2023, the one who has meanwhile created her own humorous One Woman Show (Valérie Damidot exposes herself), talks about the circumstances of his ousting and his great desire to return to television: “I don’t have a channel contract with TF1, so I don’t feel underused. On the other hand, I would like to present other programs. I made proposals, they said no, life goes on… Today, TV is different. I was lucky because M6, in 2006, was a channel that tried and dared. It was the perfect time to come up with ideas.”The opportunity to dot the “i” on the relationship she had with this channel which gave her her chance: “I didn’t leave angry, but for me, they were doing anything with D&CO: the bonuses were broadcast in eight episodes, you discovered the final result of the renovations much too late. And to confide that with M6, the agreement could not last: “But anyway, they wouldn’t have changed anything. I could have gone on and taken my check, but I don’t work like that. Hear me well, I am absolutely not in bitterness or remorse, it was I who made the decision”.

And today, what program would interest him? Our colleagues launches Valérie Damidot on the idea of ​​resuming Everyone wants to take its place, whose seat left by Laurence Boccolini before the summer is still officially vacant. And his answer is not long in coming:“Why not! At least you’re having fun and that’s what I’m looking for on television” she asserted. For the time being, we will always have the pleasure of finding it on TF1 with the broadcast of the show The most beautiful holidays. Waiting for the start of the school year… and its new opportunities!


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