facing the RN, “the only tool we have to defend democracy is the Emmanuel Macron bulletin”, says Julien Bayou

What there is to know

What attitude should left-wing voters adopt in the second round of the presidential election? Julien Bayou was questioned on this subject on Sunday April 17 on the set of franceinfo, the day after demonstrations against the far right. “Unfortunately, the only tool we have to defend democracy is the Emmanuel Macron bulletin”, replied the national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens. Follow our live.

The gap seems to be widening between the candidates. One week before the second round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron is ahead Marine Le Pen by 11 points in voting intentions, according to our daily Ipsos-Sopra Steria poll for franceinfo and Le Parisien-Today in Francepublished Saturday, April 16.

Emmanuel Macron takes care of his left. “The policy that I will pursue in the next five years will be ecological or it will not be” : Ihe meeting in Marseille was an opportunity for the president and candidate LREM to detail numerous proposals in favor of the environment. As a call to left voters.

Marine Le Pen interviewed on France 3. The candidate of the National Rally saves itself in preparation for the debate between the two rounds, Saturday April 20. She will still be on the set of France 3 at 12:10 p.m.

The discussions for the legislative elections continue on the left. The Communist Party said to itself ready to discuss with La France insoumise for a coalition “in respect [des] specificities” of each training. Movement

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