Facing Léa Salamé, Hidalgo smashes Macron with an amazing punchline!

In the presidential race, Anne Hidalgo is on all fronts to represent the socialist party. And all shots are allowed… Or almost. On March 17, Emmanuel Macron announced his candidacy by unveiling his new program. One of his ideas has intrigued citizens and countless politicians. Indeed, the husband of Brigitte Macron wishes to condition the RSA (revenu de solidarité active ndlr).

As he pointed out, single people or those with low incomes will in future have to carry out “15 to 20 hours of activity or training per week” to receive the social benefit. But his reform was strongly criticized within the left. In particular by Anne Hidalgo. This Tuesday, March 29, 2022, the Mayor of Paris made a remarkable appearance in the 7/9 on France Inter. The opportunity for her to crush Emmanuel Macron as to the RSA that he wishes to readjust. For her, the Head of State acts the “great replacement of the right by the right” with its measurements.

Jean-Marc Germain’s wife accuses him of harming certain fellow citizens who can no longer work following “accidents of life”.“We want to make these people feel guilty and treat those who help them as cowards. Is this Emmanuel Macron’s project? Is that the famous France that would walk on two legs, the left and the right? There, he hops on one foot with his right foot”, regretted Anne Hidalgo against Léa Salamé.

In a sequence, Arthur Germain’s mother also wanted “remind Emmanuel Macron”, the vision of Nobel Peace Prize laureate and economist Muhammad Yunus: “‘The poor did not invent poverty.’ If there are social protection systems, it is because we are human civilizations which consider that when someone has an accident in life, we reach out to them, we do not slam the door in their face. . It is said !


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