faced with the spread of the virus, thousands of poultry euthanized



France 2

Article written by

L. Feuerstein, D. Basier, P. Wursthorn, France 3 Aquitaine, J. Cohen-Olivieri – France 2

France Televisions

France is currently facing another type of health crisis: avian flu, which continues to spread. In total, 226 municipalities in Gers, Landes and Pyrénées-Atlantiques will have to accelerate the depopulation of poultry farms throughout France.

There is an air of eternal renewal. For the third time, a producer has just euthanized his breeding: 12,000 ducks, some affected by the bird flu virus. “We thought at first (…) that we managed to contain it, we slow motion compared to last year (…) but we can see that it is still insufficient and that he is stronger than us“, notes, bitter, Jean-Pierre Dubroca, breeder in Buanes (Landes). In the Southwest, at least 226 municipalities are affected by sources of contamination.

To prevent the spread of the virus, a new massive slaughter has been decreed by the authorities. More than 2.5 million poultry are affected. However, sanitary measures had been taken on the farms last year. Effective in some, like in Brittany, less so in others. In exploitation of the South-West, a thousand ducks were recently slaughtered. A disappointed breeder believes that the only solution now would be to vaccinate his poultry. A study is underway on vaccination, but obstacles arise. Many countries refuse to buy vaccinated poultry, for fear of having healthy carriers of the virus in their imports.

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